About the dream

Bioinformatics and computational biology are captivating branches of theoretical biology, where the intersection of life and technology unfolds. The journey began nearly a century ago when Alan Turing introduced his groundbreaking theories and methodologies to understand life through the lens of computer science. Since then, we’ve made remarkable progress, but the frontier of what we can achieve continues to depend on our evolving understanding of biological processes and the relentless advancement of technology.

We envision a future where nearly all biological activities and processes can be understood and deciphered through the language of mathematics, addressing not only health and environmental challenges but also unlocking the possibilities of extraterrestrial life across the universe.

About the past

Dou, Zhixin, He, Jiaxin, Han, Chao, Wu, Xiuyun, Wan, Lin, Yang, Jian, Zheng, Yanwei, Gong, Bin, & Wang, Lushan. (2024). qProtein: Exploring physical features of protein thermostability based on structural proteomics. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 64(20), 7885-7894. doi:10.1021/acs.jcim.4c01303.

Dou, Zhixin, Sun, Yuqing, Jiang, Xukai, Wu, Xiuyun, Li, Yingjie, Gong, Bin, & Wang, Lushan. (2023). Data-driven strategies for the computational design of enzyme thermal stability: trends, perspectives, and prospects. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 55(3), 343-355. doi:10.3724/abbs.2023033.

Li, Xiangjun, Dou, Zhixin, Sun, Yuqing, Wang, Lushan, Gong, Bin, & Wan, Lin. (2020). A sequence embedding method for enzyme optimal condition analysis. BMC Bioinformatics, 21(1), 512. doi:10.1186/s12859-020-03851-5.

About the future

Building explicit mathematical knowledge of biomacromolecules.

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